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  • 14 Ways to Be More Fearless In Your Life

    June 06, 2022 7 min read

    How to Be More Fearless In Your Life

    It is so easy to fall into a comfortable lifestyle at any time of the year. Change makes us want to hide in our shells. Don't worry, I'm guilty of this a lot. But as this season changes, I made a goal to be absolutely fearless in my life and relationships.

    Here's how you can get fearless too:

    1. Tell Your Truth

    This can be hard to hear, but we all lie to ourselves. For me it is often to justify laziness or negativity in my life. For example, "I can just eat this one cookie, I was good with my diet this week." However, I wasn't that good. And one cookie is never just one cookie.

    I lie to myself giving me permission to do things that don't align with my goals.

    Everyone who lies to themselves–which is just about everyone–will end up lying to those they love as well.

    I can get so caught up in keeping my marriage happy that I don't share my true feelings. Whether that is having a bad day and not sharing why, or something my spouse does that I don't like and I never express it.

    Now, you can still be tactful about how you share your truth, but that doesn't mean you should or hold back from what is true for you.

    Telling your truth will make you feel so free.

    It has helped me feel so much better about everything I am doing in my life. Just be completely honest with everyone, especially yourself.

    2. Set Boundaries

    As much courage as it takes to tell your truth always, it is comparatively easier than setting boundaries. Telling your truth is based on how you feel, but setting boundaries involves another person.

    After you learn to tell your truth, you can set boundaries with your significant other.

    It can be as simple as cleaning up after dinner or significant as needing space during an argument.

    3. Be Your Own Person

    From mommy guilt to having a shared life with someone, it can be so hard to be your own person.

    However, it is so important to have your own part of your life. Many moms, wives, and just women give so much and they forget to give to themselves.

    Do things that are fun for you, do the hobbies you love, or find new hobbies.

    It is scary to take time, money and energy for yourself. That's why this is step 3 to being fearless in your life.

    4. Keep Living Your Life Even With Kids

    There have been plenty of parents that end the way they live their lives because they have kids. Yes, kids take a lot of time. Yes, kids take a lot of energy.

    No, you don't have to put your life on hold because you have kids or a husband. You can still live the way you need and want to. Just bring your loved ones along the ride. They will adapt.

    Obviously it's good to be tactful. Don't leave your kids or tell your signficant other you are leaving cause you "need to live." But chase your dreams. There is abundance in life. There is abundance in your life.

    “The most sinister form of neglect of your children is not chasing your own dreams.” 

    ― Ed Mylett

    Those are strong words. Don't let them become negative to you, but allow them to drive you to help your kids know that they actually can be anything they want in life.

    Almost every parent says it to their kids: "you can be anything you want." But they don't show it with their actions.

    5. Pick up a New Hobby

    Trying something new is one of the easiest ways to challenge yourself. Take some time to think of a hobby you've always wanted to try–maybe something like drawing or photography, or even hiking or playing an instrument. Or if you really feel up for a challenge try making your own makeup and shampoos! It's never too late to learn and you might just find something that you'll want to do everyday.

    6. Get out and Explore

    Summer is usually the time to travel, but you can get out to see the world at any time of the year. Take time to visit new places in your city that you've never been. Try new coffee shops, find cool murals, check out historical sights. Or go even further and visit a nearby city you've never seen. You never know what cool places you'll find.

    7. Start Some Trends

    Through all the effort of changing and improving, I usually end up wearing the same pair of yoga pants with the same three sweaters almost every week. Break the cycle by challenging yourself to wear all of those cute, trendy clothes in your closet that you rarely take off the hangers. Or try out a new trend that you normally wouldn't wear. Don't let the any circumstance keep you in your usual comfy clothes. (Plus it's better when comfy clothes are worn by choice and not by necessity.)

    8. Take Your Self Out

    A lot of people struggle with spending time alone. From not having a lot of down time to not wanting to be alone, this is something that gets forgotten. It's time to plan out a day where you can have time to yourself. And I don't mean just sit in the house and watch Netflix. Go out and grab lunch at your favorite cafe, by yourself. Maybe bring a good book you've been wanting to read. Or go see that movie your friends aren't too excited about seeing. The options are endless, the only person you have to please is yourself.

    9. Let Loose and Splurge

    It's important to be careful with your money, and I think all of us could use some financial tips every once in a while. But sometimes we get so caught up in saving our money that we don't indulge ourselves. Think of something you've been wanting to buy for a while and just buy it. Add some cute decor to your house, get that top you've had your eye on, treat yourself to a day at the spa-whatever it is just remember that you deserve this.

    10. Share Your World

    There are so many different ways to express yourself in this day and age. Think about starting a blog or Instagram page and sharing your thoughts, beliefs, struggles, and everything in between. You never realize how much your words and stories can help someone else going through a similar situation. And a lot of times it can be theraputic to write down your own thoughts.

    11. Work on Your Bucket List

    Remember all of those amazing things you said you wanted to try? Well, what are you waiting for? Think of some of those bucket list items and find time this month to finally check some of them off your list. Maybe you've always wanted to do karaoke or you are even more adventurous and want to try sky diving. No matter how big or small it is, don't be afraid to just go for it!

    12. Join a Group

    Meeting new people can be intimidating, espcially when you are used to the same people from work, school, or just the friends you've known for ages. We tend to get comfortable with our groups. This fall try participating in a local club or class at your community center or school, branch out. This is an amazing way to meet new people with different interests and backgrounds and takes the stress out of trying to organize something yourself.

    13. Try Working Out

    I have always struggled with working out. So instead of making a goal to go to the gym twice a week, start out small. Try to add something simple, like crunches or squats to your morning routine. Then keep building off of that. Yoga is a great way to add a workout to your day. Begin with some light stretching before bed and then move into a few yoga positions. This can be a relaxing habit before bed and can help you burn some calories too.

    14. Help Others

    This little saying can extend to mean so many different things, and it is completely up to you on how you want to interpret it. If you're able, think about adopting a pet. From a fish to a dog, there are so many options, but being responsible for another living being is a great way to feel valued and needed. If you're not ready for that type of commitment, think about getting a few plants for the house.

    Or go in a different direction and help those in your community. Take a volunteer route and look into local charities that you can help to make a difference. Smile and meet someone new when you go about your day. And if you don't know where to start, look at your own friends and family–think of ways that you can help them.

    Life is so much more enjoyable when you are touching the lives of others.

    Sometimes being fearless is something as simple as stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. Challenge yourself to live fearlessly and enjoy life more, instead of falling into your usual, comfortable routine. And let us know in the comments some of the ways you like to be fearless!  


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