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  • Looking and Feeling Confident in Your New Clothes This Summer

    May 06, 2022 3 min read

    How to Look & Feel Your Most Confident This Summer

    The Clothing

    Never Wear Something You Don't Like

    A lot of us can get caught up in the sheer pleasure of shopping. Sometimes we get something we aren't super into but we still wear it because it feels like a waste if we don't.

    You don't have to fall into this trap! Only buy something if you love it, and if it's not what you thought it would be, then return or exchange it for something else.

    When you wear something you like, you will own that look and have fun doing it. That's confidence right there. Owning what you've got, having fun and loving it regardless of any others' opposing opinions.

    Pick Something That Flatters Your Body Type

    • Step 1: Pick your favorite thing about your body: whether that's beautiful long legs, a curvy waistline, or feminine shoulders. Get clothing that highlights your favorite features.
    • Step 2: Pick colors that compliment your skin tone, eye and hair color, which mostly consists of some trial and error. But that's the fun part about shopping. If you're not sure what colors are right for you, check out this blog.
    • Step 3: SIZING. The fashion industry has made sizing so difficult with vanity sizing. Grab a tape measure and get to know the size of your body. You can get the perfect fit in your clothes with the provided sizing guides.

    Discover Your Style

    Everyone has that type of clothing they love. But in order to evolve your style, you'll need to take risks.

    Wear something new that is a little out of your comfort zone, and expand your horizons. And hey, if you don't like it, you can always swap with a friend or give it to charity!

    Body Image

    Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin

    There's tons of stuff in the "media" about body positivity. But the goal is just to be healthy and have confidence in your body shape!

    You can feel beautiful no matter what, and I'll tell you a secret:

    In order to feel great about your body shape, it's not about how you compare or what you look like now, but your perception.

    Even those in the best shape of their lives want to get into better shape. That is a constant for everyone. What matters is progress and acceptance. That will make you feel the best towards your body image.

    Children are the best example of this. They are just who they are and they don't care who says anything different. They don't worry about any sort of labels or opinions, they just do what makes them happy.

    We can all follow that example.

    Comfort in Your Clothes

    We already mentioned sizing, which is a huge part of getting clothes that feel comfortable, but there's more.

    Just because something is your size, it might not fit you. With clothing comes personality and you want to be able to express your personality with your style. You might not be someone who feels right in a tight crop top or a skirt, but feels great in skinny jeans and a blouse.

    Wear what fits you best.

    So, even if your new clothes fit and accentuate your favorite parts of yourself, you'll want to make sure this new clothing fits your style.


    There are so many styles, fits, and colors out there for you to try and it can be overwhelming to find or expand your style. Using the explore/exploit method will help you navigate.

    Anything new feels awkward at first, but give yourself the freedom to explore. Then, explore, explore, explore until you feel you have tried enough styles until you know what's right for you.

    Once you find something that is for you, exploit it. Do it over and over again, then modify it when you think you can make it more unique to yourself.

    The bottom line is; that it's about you. Create your own style, your own way.

    If you follow these guidelines, you'll feel more confident this summer than you've ever felt before.

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