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  • The Best Advice My Mom Has Ever Given Me

    May 21, 2021 3 min read

    Mothers are often full of advice for their children. Usually given with love, but not always received the same way. Especially as a teenager, I remember resenting the amount of advice my mom would throw at me. Now, a bit older, I look back grateful for her wise words, and grateful that I was able to apply some of them to my own life. Here is the best advice my mom has ever given me.


    1. Let go of the idea that things could have gone differently

    What I learned: Sure, we had hopes for our lives that maybe things would have gone another route, but the life I am living today is the outcome of every experience i've ever had. My life is the way it is because I led myself down this path. If i'm not happy? I'll change it. I learned that my life is laying out through my decisions and making me the person I am today.

    2. Your life is your responsibility

    What I learned: I love this reminder that the person I am and the life I lead is 100% up to me. If I want something to change, I can change it. I can't rely on anyone else for my own happiness, mental health, physical health, or quality of life. Where I am is my responsibility. It's a scary thought, but also reassuring.

    3. Do the scary thing

    What I learned: Sometimes the greatest gifts in life come from doing a scary thing. It's how we make friends, get the dream job, meet our lifelong partners. The best things in life come from doing things that scare us.

    4. No one can tell you your feelings are not valid

    What I learned: Feelings are a reflection of your perception to experiences, and they're valid every single time. Everyone sees the world differently. I had to learn this as I navigated how to trust my gut. If I feel uncomfortable, I leave. Even if people around me tell me i'm being irrational or silly. I trust myself the most.

    5. If you don't ask, you won't get it

    What I learned: It's scary to be told no. No one likes rejection, but it's how we grow. Ask, get rejected, and get back up. This is a difficult one to apply to your life, but that moment when you hear "yes" is what makes it all worth it.

    6. Life is meant to be enjoyed

    What I learned: Slowly I've been learning that nothing in life has to be that serious. As someone with extreme social anxiety, I've always had a tendency to live in my head. To assume i'm annoying everyone. To take rejection way to far. To feel hopeless in times of trial. My mom always told me this, that life was simply meant to be enjoyed, and as I work to apply it, it makes it easier to let go of things and just enjoy the life i'm living.

    7. Be brave. Take risks.

    What I learned: Taking risks is what life is about! Whether it's going skydiving or inviting yourself over to hang out with new people, taking risks is how we grow.

    8. You always can

    What I learned: This was a sweet phrase I heard often growing up. Anytime I said aloud "I can't," it was combatted by these three words. It was a gentle pushback that I am so thankful for. I've learned that if i'm willing to put in the effort and the time, I can truly do anything.

    9. You used to dream of what you have now, enjoy it.

    What I learned: Often we look at life as "when I have this, I'll be happy," but there was a time when you wished for what you have now. Soak up every moment of this precious life that you can.

    10. Just do what makes you happy

    What I learned: Life is too short. Seriously. Just do what makes you happy.

    These words from my mom have stuck with me, and I'm forever grateful for her. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. And Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.


    What is the best piece of advice your mom has ever given you? We want to hear it! Leave it in the comments below!


    Marketing Team

    Madison Bischoff

    Madison is part of the marketing team here at Bella Ella. She spends most of her free time watching Mama Mia on repeat and spending time with her husband and puppy.

    Madison Bischoff

    Madison is part of the marketing team here at Bella Ella. She spends most of her free time watching Mama Mia on repeat and spending time with her husband and puppy.

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